Request - Decorative Bread Decoration

Minimum required quantity – 30 pc.


Weight before baking


Weight before baking

Weight after baking

Dimensions of baked bread:

Type of proofing:

Type of depositing:


Please insert a photo of your bread. The photo should be taken from a top view and the bread must be visible in its entirety.

Sample photo:

Prosím vložte fotografii vašeho chleba. Fotografie by měla být pořízena z vrchního pohledu a chléb na ní musí být vidět celý

Vzorové foto:


Please enter the desired pattern.

Preferred file formats - PNG and SVG. If you do not have the desired pattern in graphic form it is possible to send a photo with a sketch.

Please enter the desired pattern.

Preferred file formats - PNG and SVG. If you do not have the desired pattern in graphic form it is possible to send a photo with a sketch.
